Batch of National Software Industry Base
National Technology Enterprise Incubator
National Demonstration Base of Innovative Talents Cultivation
First Batch of Registered National Makerspace
First Batch of 'National Digital Service Export Base'

Public Technology Platform

Public Technology

Our Service

Our Service

Tianfu Software Park has established eight service systems in terms of corporate service, talent service, startup incubation, public technology platform, 
brand service, Virtual Park, overseas expansion, and financial service.


Public Technology Platform

Co-built by Sichuan Province, Chengdu City and CDHT, the National Public Technology Support Platform is an open and non-profit technology support platform which joins hands with famous enterprises to provide technical supports including R&D, test, demonstration, validation, information sharing and engineering management for 1,000-plus member units.

Public Technology Platform

  • Huawei Software Deve...

    Huawei Software
    Development Cloud

    In accordance with the cooperation agreement between CDHT and Huawei, the Huawei Chengdu Software Development Cloud Innovation Center is set up in Area E of Tianfu Software Park, and Tianfu Software Park as the co-operator, will assist the park enterprises in applying service subsidies, and holding technical salons and training activities.
  • Tel.:

    +86(0)28 85331111-8911

  • E-mail:

Investment Attraction Service

Investment Attraction Service

Learn more

Virtual Park Admission

Overseas workstation appointment


Terms of Service Application of Tianfu Software Park Overseas Workstation

1. Tianfu Software Park Overseas Workstation (hereinafter referred to as the “Workstation”) is an overseas service station set up by Chengdu Tianfu Software Park Co., Ltd. and overseas enterprises and institutions, which aims to facilitate the short-term overseas work of CDHT enterprises. It has set up a service station in Santa Clara, California, the United States of America.

2. The Workstation provides both free and paid services for the short-term overseas work of CDHT enterprises, among which the free services include those listed in the application form and the paid services should be negotiated and determined by the applicant entities and the Workstation.

3. The Workstation is a public space, of which the operator is entitled to allocate the service facilities and service time to meet the needs of different applicants.

4. The Workstation provides applicants with safe sites and service contents in line with their needs, and applicants shall take care of the belongings and the data they carry about.

5. Applicants shall take good care of the Workstation’s facilities and resources and shall compensate for the resulting damage or loss of such facilities and equipment according to local purchase prices.

6. Applicants shall not engage in activities in violation of Chinese and local laws and regulations by taking advantage of the Workstation, otherwise, the operator of the Workstation is entitled to terminate the services.

7. Applicants shall be responsible for their personal safety (including but not limited to illness, casualty incident, and traffic accident) and property safety when they are receiving services at the Workstation.

8. Applicants shall confirm and grade the services of the Workstation.


Message feedback

Tianfu Software Park booking application form

AI Innovation Center booking application form

Tianfu Island booking application form

Enterprise / Team Information

  • Scanning Copy of Business License upload
  • Business Plan upload

Person-in-Charge Information

Enterprise / Team Information

  • Scanning Copy of Business License upload
  • Business Plan upload

Person-in-Charge Information

Repair Application